Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Lamium album Uses & Ingredients

As an expectorant (auswurfförderndes funds) in diseases of the respiratory system - ie phlegm - and against flatulence. Means covers the plants are boiled skin swelling treated bumps, varicose veins and gout nodes. The nettle has a weak diuretic - used as a blood cleanser. An anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) effect has been demonstrated through animal studies. This effect is mainly used against inflammation of the mouth and throat.

As the main active ingredients are mainly Lamalbid iridoid glycosides, and the next Caryoptosid Albosiden A + B.

Formerly the young shoots of the white dead nettle were eaten like a vegetable.

The plant contains tannins and gums as well as choline, saponins and essential oils in small quantities.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei%C3%9Fe_Taubnessel
See Also: florist Penang, roses Paris, Paris florist

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